When it doesn't work
It happened to me today.
I kept going after this shot, and then had to wipe it all back again.
I was Out of Flow. I ended up wiping everything off the canvases I had been working on and left the studio a little deflated, instead of the usual feeling like firecrackers.
I think it's healthy to expect that there will be times when what you're doing is not hitting a mark, and it seems like everybody else is succeeding at things and you seem to have fallen down a hole.
I know that I'm disconnected because of family viruses, then hyper-busyness, then more sickness that consistently kept me away from the studio. There are times I recall where I have simply picked up where I left off, so it's not all bad news every time life takes over. But knowing that if I've hit a down it's just a matter of time and consistent courageous attempt and I'll be back to firecrackers again.
Kind of fun things remained after The Wiping Off I suppose.
There's another chance tomorrow. Woohoo!