Accidentally Art

It will not cease to amaze me how often I'll be in the studio thinking "I'll just goof about with this on here for a bit and see what happens", and the Thing then becomes this energising source of inspiration in ways I could never predict. How easy is THAT?! And so efficient. So I'm busy developing an ecourse of workshops that help the creative searchers to tap in to that headspace. We all had it strongly as children. 

So I posted this video on Instagram almost as an afterthought one evening, and was overwhelmed to notice by morning it had been viewed more than 10,000 times. A week later it's at 26,000, and there are more than 100 comments expressing an effect of being inspired. How can I really even take credit, though... since I was so carelessly engaged?! 

It's such an amazing thing, the Creative Force that works through us.


My Art Life in the Garage


When it doesn't work